Saturday, January 31, 2015

Annnd...We're moving!

So, because of various reasons, we are moving to a new site. All links on this site won't work any longer, so you may want to update your bookmarks and such. Read the complete post here. The new address is:

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

School has started, progress has halted...

But don't worry, it's not all that bad. As I feared, as soon as school started 2 weeks ago, I have been so swamped with school work, that I've had virtually NO time to translate, or do anything much else, for that matter. But I still have 3 weekend days (Weekends BANZAI!, amiright?) to work on, so yeah. I'll keep translating, even though progress will be slow (Yes, it was slow before, now it'll be slower...Sorry 'bout that :'( ).

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Screensavers! So last decade! But still awesome!

Eh, you know sometimes you get this idea into your head about doing something, and you can't just rest until you have done it? Well, two weeks ago, I got this idea of making anime screensavers (Surprise!), and I thought, well, which is more important? Translating, or making screensavers? The answer was pretty obvious, but I still somehow managed to convince myself to make some screensavers. So, yeah, here ya go.
Edit: Oh and yeah, tell me if any of you has a screensaver idea related to anime, an I might just make it. ;)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Eked out some progress...

So today, finally, I sat down and actually did some translating, instead of just planning and talking about it. Now I hope nothing disturbs this routine, like my school, which is opening next week...What have I been doing this Summer vacation I wonder? If I had followed my original plan, the whole volume would've been done by now....

Friday, July 25, 2014

Ugh, procrastination...

Ever since completing the first chapter, I've reached the point that I can only describe as "The Dip". Basically, lots of procrastination, and next to no work done. Thinking that has to change. Hopefully, will start translating in earnest starting this week.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Done with Chapter 1

First major milestone reached of my first translation project ever. Yay. Although I'm happy, there is still lots to do, so will begin Chapter 2 after a lil' break. Those who can't wait and want to read chapter 1 right away, head over to the Project Details page for downloads.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Okay, so maybe it was a good thing...

Ahh, for some reason, having limited time to do work has made me more productive than I was when I had lots of free time. Must be some kind of psychological thing. Any way, have made some good progress this past week, and will probably be done with Chapter 1 in another 3 days. Am thinking of releasing it chapter by chapter, so expect good things in a few more days.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

More delays...

Starting from 29 June, my progress will be severely hampered for a month. I will still be translating, but not much progress is expected. But it's not all bad. Recently I feel that I can translate at a little bit faster pace, so it does not take me an hour to do 1 page. (Though it still takes me about half an hour...) Sorry for the continued delays.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Slow progress.

Owahh. Finally finished translating the first part of the first chapter of the first volume of Baby Princess. Slower progress than I originally thought. Damn, if only I could read kanji better. Oh, well. Slow and steady wins the race, I guess.(If he does not give up halfway, that is...)

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Baby Princess Vol.1 -Prologue. Boy meets...-

So, I finally got around to getting the translation from my head to a written form. It's only the prologue yet though. More coming!

Prologue. Boy Meets...

Here she comes!

...The moment this thought ran through my head, it was too late to do anything. I received a great shock to the face, and then pain spread across it. My body was lifted up, and it felt as through I was blown away. My left eye felt strangely hot. Stars were flying around inside my head. The moment the glove connected with my face, my vision went pure white...
And then, it immediately began darkening. My consciousness was blacking out and a silence was engulfing me. I just going to die like this? Something feels surprisingly good, so I guess it’s fine...

But, maybe the soft sensation that felt as though I was drifting on a cloud was just a momentary feeling, and it did not last that long. According to the story I heard later, the moment I was hit by Hikaru’s punch, I went flying in a funny way, and it looked like I had grown wings out my back...

Yeah, as if! Whatever the real story is, at that time, I had no choice but to accept it. On that day, I was dragged around by a beautiful girl whom I had met for the first time, onto the practice ring of a Boxing Gym. And I had no say in the matter. Said girl herself delivered such a hard punch to my face that even the surrounding people were amazed. And I, without even trying to guard it, received it fully.

It was my first time even wearing a boxing glove, let alone participating in a sparring match!

I faintly remember that there was a sudden uproar and the surrounding people ran to help me. What happened after that, I have no idea. When I came to, I had a wet, cold towel draped over my face, and I was lying on a black, hard sofa in the Gym office.

And Hikaru...
Was staring intently at me.
With a terribly serious look.
She had been waiting for me to wake up.
Waiting for me to recover from the most brutal damage I had received in my whole life.
And then, she listened to my story, and lead me to a new world.
A world different from my old one.
A world that I could not have even dreamed of before...